Tencent Cloud Enterprise Solutions

Tencent Cloud Enterprise (TCE)

  • Tencent Cloud Enterprise (Tencent TCE) is an enterprise-grade private cloud platform based on Tencent Cloud's established product system. It provides self-controllable and elastically scalable full-stack service capabilities.
  • Integrated Solution
  • TCE integrates diverse IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS products and uniformly deploys data centers, networks, servers, systems, and applications to provide a one-stop solution.
  • Multi-Site Active-Active Distributed Architecture
  • TCE features a multi-region, multi-IDC, and active-active distributed architecture that supports rapid IDC scaling and network interconnection between IDCs in various ways to sustain business surges with ease.
  • Flexible Customization and Fast Delivery
  • TCE supports flexible delivery and customization according to business scenarios to implement automated integration, automated deployment, and dynamic scaling.
  • Tencent Product Support
  • TCE relies on Tencent's powerful technical capabilities to open up sophisticated internet technologies in the form of cloud-based products, which have been proven excellent by one billion Tencent users and millions of public cloud customers.

Cloud Dedicated Cluster (CDC)

  • 本地专用集群(Cloud Dedicated Cluster, CDC)是全新推出的基础设施类产品,目的是将中心化的公有云服务,延伸为可在客户机房落地的近场服务,融合公有云与本地 IDC 的双重优势,用户可以以本地化的时延和数据安全来使用公有云的丰富能力。CDC 通过一体化机柜的形式在用户机房部署本地化算力,资源就近接入临近公有云地域实现统一管理,用户可通过公有云现有工具(控制台、API 等)来管理 CDC 资源。
  • 标准化快速交付
  • 采用与腾讯云自有数据中心相同的采购、交付标准,无论交付速度、性价比、软硬件可靠性都精益求精。
  • 全方位服务
  • 完全同步腾讯云最新技术和服务,星星海服务器、黑石2.0(裸金属)、超高性能云盘,无论是搭建超级计算集群,还是利用 TKE、AS 等云产品构建 Web 服务集群都得心应手。
  • 极致混合云体验
  • 在 CDC 上的资源,用户可以通过与公有云完全一致的方案进行管理,包括但不限于控制台、API、SDK、云监控等方式,真正实现混合云的同构管理、无差别调度。
  • 设备运维托管
  • 不同于传统的设备售卖模式,腾讯云将为 CDC 设备和软件提供运营、升级、保障等服务,通过清晰的责任共担机制,用户既可保证本地安全和隐私,又可不再为繁琐的维保担忧。

Video on Demand

  • Enjoy high-quality media services on a one-stop video-on-demand (VOD) platform, including audio/video production, upload, storage, transcoding, media processing, media AI, accelerated delivery and playback, and copyright protection.
  • Industry-Leading Upload Acceleration
  • Upload media files conveniently with multiple upload methods offered by VOD. Its multi-origin upload acceleration solution reaches a 99.5% success rate for file upload under poor network conditions.
  • Unique Smart Cold Storage
  • Customize cold storage policies based on playback frequency, storage duration, and other metrics. VOD's smart cold storage feature has helped customers worldwide reduce their storage costs by over 10 million dollars.
  • All-Around Copyright Protection
  • Eliminate security risks such as piracy, unauthorized recording and download, and hotlinking with VOD's proprietary encryption solution that can quickly and accurately track the IDs of malicious users.
  • VOD and Live Streaming
  • Perform secondary delivery, generate more traffic, and seize market trends instantly with diverse capabilities like live recording, live clipping, pseudo-live streaming, time shifting, and cold storage.
  • Clearer and Smarter Transcoding Service
  • Take advantage of Top Speed Codec transcoding and real-time hot/cold media asset recognition, which have helped leading media customers reduce their transfer and storage costs by over 50%.
  • Media Content Processing
  • Boost your business with dozens of media processing features that deliver faster transcoding speed, better compression ratio, and higher image quality.
  • Accurate and Efficient AI Recognition
  • Leverage AI technology to recognize and analyze images, audio, and videos for better content moderation, creation, and management as well as personalized video recommendations.
  • Best-in-Class Media SDKs
  • Provide a better, faster, and smoother VOD service that is optimized based on over 3 billion daily playbacks and 10 million daily short video edits.
  • Comprehensive Playback Quality Monitoring
  • Collect, aggregate, and filter multidimensional playback statistics in real time, visually analyze service metrics, and comprehensively monitor service quality.

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